Industrial floors can be made with the aid of a Laser Screed vibro-compactor, a technological machine that exploits laser control to monitor the flatness of the floor while vibro-compacting the concrete to release its air content and reduce the laying time.
Flatness is monitored during the casting phase, ensuring a reduction in both construction joints and potential flatness defects that could occur during the manual laying process.
The use of the Laser Screed brings considerable benefits to the work flow:
- The possibility of using concrete with consistency class of S3 (semi-fluid), which, unlike other types of concrete, guarantees significant cost savings and a reduction in cracking because there is less water in the mix;
- Shorter laying time;
- Greater resistance guaranteed by the compression exerted by the Laser Screed machine, which makes the floor less porous.
Use of the Laser Screed machine for levelling concrete floors is suitable for any industrial environment, particularly large areas or areas that require special flatness tolerances.